My experience is my experience. You can take it or leave it, but it did happen
to me personally. I watched it happen to others before my experience, and I'm
watching it happen to good people after, as well.
What am I talking about?
Spiritual abuse.
This issue is usually tied with negative cult groups. Consider the following
explanation from wiki:
Spiritual abuse is a serious
form of abuse which occurs when a person in a cult-religious authority or a
person with a unique spiritual practice misleads and maltreats another person
in the name of a deity or church or in the mystery of any spiritual concept.
Spiritual abuse often refers to an abuser using spiritual or cult-religious
rank in taking advantage of the victim's spirituality (mentality and passion on
spiritual matters) by putting the victim in a state of unquestioning obedience
to an abusive authority. Spiritual abuse refers to the use of spiritual
knowledge to deprive, torture, degrade, isolate, control, or even kill others.
It is used by evil minded spiritualists, sometimes, including cult-religious
leaders to gain advantage or exercise control over others. Being an 'action of
man', in worst case scenarios, spiritual abuse can otherwise be called
'spiritual terrorism'.
Spiritual abuse is the maltreatment of a person in the name of a god, deity,
faith, cult-religion, or church, whether habitual or not, and includes any of
the following:
Psychological and emotional abuse
Physical abuse that includes physical injury, deprivation of sustenance
Sexual abuse
Any act by deeds or words that demean, humiliate or shame the natural worth
and dignity of a person as a human being
Submission to spiritual authority without any right to disagree; intimidation
Unreasonable control of a person's basic right to make a choice on spiritual
False accusation and repeated criticism by negatively labeling a person as
disobedient, rebellious, lacking faith, demonized, apostate, enemy of the
church or a deity
Prevention from practicing faith or Spiritualism
Isolation or separation from family and friends due to cult-religious or
Spiritual affiliation
Exclusivity; dismissal of an outsider's criticism and labeling an outsider as
an imaginary demon or devil
Withholding information and giving of information only to a selected few
Conformity to a dangerous or unnatural cult-religious view and practice
Hostility that includes shunning, (relational aggression, parental alienation)
and persecution
Despite the comparative frequency of spiritual abuse, those types of behaviour
and actions which are today classified as spiritual abuse can be seen to be
prohibited in the major texts and scriptures of numerous cult-religious
traditions. Indeed, in the Christian Bible, spiritually abusive behaviour
is condemned as being one of the worst forms of sin due to its capacity to
diminish or even to destroy an individual's relationship with a deity or a god.
Pretty serious, isn't it? As I look at this issue, and not only my own
experience but those of others, as well, I see spiritual abuse happening in
varying degrees. One doesn't have to be in a 'cult' to be abused spiritually.
Even in mainline congregations, both large and small, this type of thing
happens. I am not talking about folks simply getting their feelings hurt and leaving
the congregation. I'm talking about good people submitting themselves under
leadership with the best of intentions, attempting to fulfill the Scriptural
edicts, and finding themselves in a situation of being taken advantage of,
being bullied, having their character maligned and even being cut-off/isolated
from worship and fellowship, both within and outside the congregation. Spiritual
I have observed in myself and others the result of this abuse. Feelings of
betrayal, rejection, hurt, extreme stress and depression can lead to physical
manifestations of deep emotional scarring. Depending upon the duration of the
situation, effects can be even more damaging and long-term; fear of
relationship and commitment, reluctance to participate in social situations,
and clinical depression. But I think the worst result of spiritual abuse is a
complete and total realization that all religion is simply the traditions of
man and an unacceptable representation of the Holy One. It is most unfortunate
that the children who witness abusive and manipulative behavior by leadership
towards their parents come to that conclusion and reject a relationship with
G-d altogether.
In my own experience, I didn't even realize it was happening to me; I simply
felt astonishment and disbelief at the behavior of my religious leaders. These
leaders, for the most part, were held in high regard for their wisdom, knowledge,
and teaching skills. I even considered them my friends...good friends. As it
came to pass, I watched person after person being targeted, mocked, and
shunned, never thinking it would happen to me. Disagreeing with leadership, on
any level, was not allowed. Ever changing definitions of pivotal sins, such as
gossip and rebellion, caused confusion and further reliance on leadership for
direction in any given situation. Biblical teaching was interlaced with
manipulations and personal agendas, as well, targeting individuals (most especially
those that had left or had been cut-off) in veiled language inflicting further
pain and gently (and sometimes not so gently) encouraging the congregation to
do the same. Increasingly legalistic accepted (expected) behavior,
excluded even more, as it demanded conformity to the standards set by
leadership and/or those regarded as pious in the congregation - all in the name
of following Scripture. Amazingly, (in my case), these leaders desired
diminishing numbers, weeding out the people they didn't like or don't 'fit'
into their elite group. Sounds like junior high, but spiritual abuse goes
beyond immaturity when people's lives are turned upside-down, families are torn
apart and faith in G-d and 'His church' is shaken severely. That is, most certainly,
an abuse of the position of religious leader.
This type of abuse is especially egregious - a deceptive set-up - because
anyone choosing to attend a faith-based congregation comes with certain
expectations of the leaders and people there, and rightly so. It is not out of
the ordinary to expect leaders (especially) and others in the congregation (to
a somewhat lesser degree) to be polite, kind, and loving, desiring to live a
life devoted to their G-d by the standards set in the Bible. When those
expectations aren't met, it leads to a growing distrust of religion and those
who attend. People are not perfect, and certainly no one expects perfection.
However, the problem of spiritual abuse and hypocrisy is far more (and deeper)
than the normal push-and-pull of relationship.
David Johnson and Jeff VanVonderen in The
Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse describe the action: "It's
possible to become so determined to defend a spiritual place of authority, a
doctrine or a way of doing things that you wound and abuse anyone who
questions, or disagrees, or doesn't 'behave' spiritually the way you want them
to. When your words and actions tear down another, or attack or weaken a
person's standing as a Christian- to gratify you, your position or your beliefs
while at the same time weakening or harming another- that is spiritual
It is often referred to as a 'bad religious experience'. So many have had one -
just start asking around and you'll see. I'm not into 'church-bashing', but it
is a sad situation when you consider the greatest command for a believer is to
love G-d and love your neighbor as yourself. If they are truly living by that
command, then there must be a lot of people who want to be judged, have their
character assassinated or want to be the subject of gossip.
"I have been abused by the
church, been asked to leave a church, and then have listened to Pastors say
that there are only 2 reasons people leave a church - 1. To build a church and
2. Because of pride. I've also heard pastors say that to leave a church or to
go to another church is "committing spiritual adultery". That too, is
so wrong ~ and un-Biblical." ~Janet W., victim
Personally, I have often heard it said that those that leave
the congregation are in rebellion, most certainly against leadership, and even
against G-d Himself. And, if they are in rebellion, the best thing to do is to
cut them off completely, so they feel the isolation and grief of being apart
from their friends and fellow believers in the community. That line of
teaching, along with overt mocking of those that just drift away, will
definitely cement in the minds of listeners a desire to never leave the
community, that's for sure.
Hand in hand with spiritual abuse goes judgment. Severe judgment, by
either leadership or fellow believers, is something that simply shouldn't be
acceptable or allowed in faithful congregations or religious communities.
Somehow, we move from humble confession and acceptance of salvation, to what we
define as righteous living, to looking around to make sure everyone else is
doing it right in our eyes. (And, don't even get me started on hypocrisy...)
It's no wonder the world-at-large has such a poor opinion of the religious,
So, is there any way one can avoid this type of abuse and harsh judgment and
still stand in a congregation of worshiping believers? Unfortunately, I have no
answer - I'm kind of cynical about it at this point, honestly. I do know this;
if we turn our heads and allow abuse to continue, pretend it never happens, or
excuse it because of our own personal needs or wants, we may later find
ourselves the victim of such abuse.
So many have been hurt. So many have left religious fellowship never to return.
Opting for a very personal relationship with G-d, studying on their own or even
just trying to be a righteous person and love their neighbor, is so much safer
than opening up to judgment, betrayal, harassment - abuse - in such a public
I can't say I blame them.
March 2012